Charles Baudelaire :: svět prokletého básníka :: Poezie a próza
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české překlady

Květy zla

Malé básně v próze

Báseň o hašiši


Důvěrný deník

originale française

Les fleurs du mal

Petits poemes en prose

La Fanfarlo

Baudelaire in English

The Flowers of Evil

» Prose Poems «

The Stranger
The Confiteor Of the Artist
The Double Chamber
Every Man His Chimera
Venus And the Fool
The Glass-vendor
At One O'Clock In the Morning
The Widows
The Invitation To the Voyage
The Temptations
The Thyrsus - To Franz Liszt
The Desire To Paint
The Gifts Of the Moon
What Is Truth?
» The Marksman «
The Shooting-range And the Cemetery.



Malý koutek poezie

Malý koutek poezie


Prose Poems

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The Marksman

As the carriage traversed the wood he bade the driver draw up in the neighbourhood of a shooting gallery, saying that he would like to have a few shots
to kill time. Is not the slaying of the monster Time the most ordinary and legitimate occupation of man?
So he gallantly offered his hand to his dear, adorable, and execrable wife; the mysterious woman to whom he owed so many pleasures, so many pains, and perhaps also a great part of his genius.
Several bullets went wide of the proposed mark, one of them flew far into the heavens, and as the charming creature laughed deliriously, mocking the
clumsiness of her husband, he turned to her brusquely and said: "Observe that doll yonder, to the right, with its nose in the air, and with so haughty an appearance. Very well, dear angel, I will imagine to myself that it is you!"
He closed both eyes and pulled the trigger. The doll was neatly decapitated.
Then, bending towards his dear, adorable, and execrable wife, his inevitable and pitiless muse, he kissed her respectfully upon the hand, and added,
"Ah, dear angel, how I thank you for my skill!" :: Since 2002 :: Based On Layout Designed By Danny Is On Fire Productions © 2006