Charles Baudelaire :: svět prokletého básníka :: Poezie a próza
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české překlady

Květy zla

Malé básně v próze

Báseň o hašiši


Důvěrný deník

originale française

Les fleurs du mal

Petits poemes en prose

La Fanfarlo

Baudelaire in English

The Flowers of Evil

» Prose Poems «

The Stranger
The Confiteor Of the Artist
The Double Chamber
Every Man His Chimera
» Venus And the Fool «
The Glass-vendor
At One O'Clock In the Morning
The Widows
The Invitation To the Voyage
The Temptations
The Thyrsus - To Franz Liszt
The Desire To Paint
The Gifts Of the Moon
What Is Truth?
The Marksman
The Shooting-range And the Cemetery.



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Malý koutek poezie


Prose Poems

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Venus And the Fool

How admirable the day! The vast park swoons beneath the burning eye of the sun, as youth beneath the lordship of love.
There is no rumour of the universal ecstasy of all things. The waters themselves are as though drifting into sleep. Very different from the festivals of humanity, here is a silent revel.
It seems as though an ever-waning light makes all objects glimmer more and more, as though the excited flowers burn with a desire to rival the blue of the sky by the vividness of their colours; as though the heat, making perfumes visible, drives them in vapour towards their star.
Yet, in the midst of this universal joy, I have perceived one afflicted thing.
At the feet of a colossal Venus, one of those motley fools, those willing clowns whose business it is to bring laughter upon kings when weariness or remorse possesses them, lies wrapped in his gaudy and ridiculous garments, coiffed with his cap and bells, huddled against the pedestal, and raises towards the goddess his eyes filled with tears.
And his eyes say :
"I am the last and most alone of all mortals, inferior to the meanest of animals in that I am denied either love or friendship. Yet I am made, even I, for the understanding and enjoyment of immortal Beauty. O Goddess, have pity upon my sadness and my frenzy."
The implacable Venus gazed into I know not what distances with her marble eyes. :: Since 2002 :: Based On Layout Designed By Danny Is On Fire Productions © 2006